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153 entries.
Edwin John Bass Edwin John Bass from Cologne, Germany wrote on 28 May 2022 at 11:09 pm
Hi Folks -- Something odd there! I should be used to oddities by now but glad I am that we can still chat. The Guest book survived being thrown out once - maybe twice -- before.... Never mind i just want to say I was sorry to see Rev Mooney and Maurice Murtaugh have popped their clogs. Maurice worked really hard for the reunion.... i can remember Rev Mooney's reaction to something the commmandant said at a reunion -- forgotten his name, and the comment -- but a few of the women guests did sort of cringe. Can't erember his name but except for that unexpected comment he seemed a fun sort of ´bloke to have as the big chief. Sty well -- all of youse.
Admin Reply by: Administrator
Hi John,
Nice to hear from you again.
The Guest Book is alive and well, just a few hiccups that needed clearing.
Guest Book Modulator
Robert T. Kerr Robert T. Kerr from Vancouver BC/ Edinburgh wrote on 26 May 2022 at 7:36 am
Checking in again and living in Vancouver, BC since 1990(except 2 years 1993-5 returned to UK. Worked on a couple of bridges here (The Lions gate Bridge 2001, 2nd Port Mann Bridge(2010-2013-Ironworker/Welder), Vancouver Shipyards Ltd-Welder), and Land oil rigs in North East BC. Offshore oil rigs in the North Sea, Celtic Sea UK. 64 years old in July, but not retired yet. Very proud of my 3 sons and 4 Grandchildren. Was 74C/75A at Beachley.
RE DONALDSON RE DONALDSON from enniskillen BT945GQ. wrote on 11 May 2022 at 10:42 am
Very sad to read of the deaths of Rev J Rooney , Maurice Murtaugh ,and all in the Memorial Section..My condolences.
RE DONALDSON RE DONALDSON from enniskillen BT945GQ. wrote on 11 May 2022 at 10:31 am
Thank you for the latest Edition of The Echoes.
Admin Reply by: Administrator
Thank you. Nice to know that our efforts are appreciated
john eveleigh john eveleigh from Edinburgh wrote on 8 April 2022 at 9:49 am
Once again I am entering the fact that it is again an anniversary of my entry to the SCHOOL.
Why do I do it? probably because my rather ancient brain keeps telling me there must be more 42A Group our there somewhere, who might say Hello John. No such luck for quite some time.
Any how it is now my 80th Anniversary and if there are any 42A Group members out there Good Luck to you . Don't forget to change the batteries in your hearing aids.
John Eveleigh 42A Group.
42A A Coy.
Ray Hackworth (55B) Ray Hackworth (55B) from River Club Johannesburg South Africa wrote on 3 April 2022 at 2:32 pm
Hi EJB. Any time you want to come down to this part of the world let me know. Its not a bad place to live as long as you follow the rules. We have had the best rainy season for a long time, so my borehole should be well filled up for the coming summer
Off to Cannes in three weeks for a holiday with my brother who lives there.
john eveleigh john eveleigh from Edinburgh wrote on 28 March 2022 at 1:44 pm
Recently spent quite a lot of time tying to find a Branch of the Korean War Veterans. My friend died recently and as he has no relations, only In Laws I thought it would be nice to obtain representatives from that conflict to attend his funeral. I have never had such a frustrating hour on the computer.
I found many references to the Korean war including the Korean Veterans Association. However finding a contact to ask about attendance at his Funeral proved impossible. One interesting phone call was after contacting the British Legion and being given a Number to ring, I found myself talking to a bewildered woman at Kings Lynn Council. I apologised and rang off.
At last having worn out my finger tips I sat back and thought the matter. over. The Korean War was 1950 to 1953. My friend was 23 when he was there and 69 years have past since the end of the War, he was 23 then so it probably meant that there will be few Veterans who are younger than the late Eighties. Probably many with memories of the conflict but not really able to attend Funerals
John Eveleigh 42A A Coy
Edwin John Bass Edwin John Bass from Cologne, Germany wrote on 27 March 2022 at 11:09 pm
Thanks Ray,
Might take you up one day on a trip down your way. I developed a liking for Africa generally -- especially Kenya which might be because I had most trips there, and served some of my time as a fitter, vehicle mech there. Exciting times indeed..
I have had some local top notch people here tell me what's wrong with my PC including the old lady who sold it me as a brand guts of bits based on her late hundand's ideas. I just want to get my novel finished -- it works OK as a word-processor -- and then she can have it back and I'll start again from zero.
Ray Hackworth (55B) Ray Hackworth (55B) from River Club Johannesburg South Africa wrote on 21 March 2022 at 10:31 am
Hi EJB It is very easy to have a security system or systems put on your computer. I run a Accounting/Tax/Finance/Management consulting business,plus advise clients in various parts of the world.(We have over 200 clients).Our computers are linked to each other both on and off site and we have never had a problem. This is due to having a top rate security system for all our computers which is updated on a regular basis, by a top rate service supplier. Maybe you should come down here and see how we do it? The sun shines most days.
Edwin John Bass Edwin John Bass from Cologne, Germany wrote on 19 March 2022 at 7:32 pm
Hi John E....
I tried to reply and it did NOT happen. Prerhaps your problem is actching.
Edwin John Bass Edwin John Bass from Cologne, Germany wrote on 17 March 2022 at 11:15 pm
Hi john E...
Computer problems? It is I who have them all -- well, nearly all. I consider it is only luick that I don't have the lot and can actually write on here. I lost my e-Mail but because i am writing a novel that I'll be reading to the CO (my missus) I have not taken it (the NEW computer) back to my computrer shop. They tell me I have an unidentifiable invader on my PC and Avira tell me I need to reinforce my Security... Truth is I don't really care -- at the moment -- as long as I can finish the current so-called novel which is about 800 pages plus, B...... silly really when she loves Shirlock Holmes and Agatha Christy -- I have them all somewhere in the house.. Pulp is so easy to write the brain hardly needs to be engaged......
The security firms have a go and tell me I am being invaded by lots and lots of viruses and need to update by sending them money to do so The interesting thing is that it seems the promotors of Porn -- on the internet-- are mostly the ones they blame for my problem which is that I can no longer get certain things like the e-Mail. I'm putting the repair of that off fot the sake of this latest Piece of Pulp I am writing.
My CO (missus) insisted we see "Lady Chaterleys's lover' about a month ago, which had, "Under 16 years of age Viwers are forbiddenn access to this film..What aAbsolute nonsense! Probably kids of 7 or 8 have seen more than was portrayed ba Lawrence in his book . The scenes Lawrence portayed -- in writing, of course --are available in hundreds of rididulous TV features and repeated episodes for ALL and ANYONe to veiw.
Like the languages used we are just getting more modern aren't we.....
Probably at the bottom of your difficulty Jjohn E... is some clever gitt trying it on
with your PCs security system(s)..... what you need is an eleven year old wearing big spectacles who'll tell you Updating is all you need.
Best ióf British luck Old Chap!
john eveleigh john eveleigh from Edinburgh wrote on 17 March 2022 at 10:37 am
I havent got a clue as to what is happening to my Computer but again I have lost an entry ,then found some of it, then found it had already been sent. I blame the pigeon that carries the message.
John Eveleigh
john eveleigh john eveleigh from Edinburgh wrote on 17 March 2022 at 10:32 am
I had never considered the use of the word Chaps, I know it is not a word in my vocabulary. In the dim and distant past I remember a comic., was it it the Champion? that had some school boys who would say something on the lines of I say you Chaps shall we play some Footer, Apart from that when we had a chapped face we were known to say, I have Chaps, and Cowboys wore Chaps to protect their legs when on horse back .
The use of coarse language has increased ,at least in public. and appears to be acceptable everywhere ,not only in Germany.
Perhaps we are the odd ones out?
John Eveleigh 42A A Coy
John Eveleigh 42 A Acoy
Ray Hackworth Ray Hackworth from River Club Johannesburg South Africa wrote on 15 March 2022 at 8:26 am
Hi John and others
I have never stayed in Kenya, apart from departure lounges in Nairobi. I think the leopard men could have been a secret society within a tribe that controlled the tribes operations. I used Nairobi airport when I use to fly to Iran,Syria and Jordan on business.
As far the Americanism, I can across this when deployed in Germany (44 Field Park) in Paderborn) and on various exercises with the USA armed forces there. I could not understand the drawl or their way of thinking. Then being redeployed to Christmas Island (73 Christmas Island Sqn RE) and seconded to run the main camp Power station, as at that time the Island had been loaned to the USA for Nuclear weapon testing. I was fed by the Americans (which was far better food than the small British camp at the Port had). But long hours as I lived on the Power Station and was required to work some 24 hours a day if necessary or required. My accommodation was a section of the Tool store and you could just put two beds in that section. No air conditioning or fans. However I was fed in the main camp american mess and had good food, far better than the UK camp at the Port .I found that they were running classes for various GCE subjects, so I signed up and had a duty driver come from the port, collect me, (some 40Kms) and then bring me back after the lessons. This was my first GCEs. I eventual obtained some 5 O and 5 A levels.
We were allowed a 7 day break in Honolulu (Hawaii) during the period. By this time I had got use to the drawl. We were put up at Fort DeRussy (Armed Forces leave centre) which was on Waikiki beach next to the YWCA. The English accent went down very well with the ladies.
Edwin John Bass Edwin John Bass from Cologne, Germany wrote on 11 March 2022 at 10:21 pm
Hi Andy!
I apologise for what follows:-
In 42a John Everleigh;s time and mine 44a.... we avoided using Guys because it was an American term everyone hated then -- not thought of us as being English. by Gad! We had fellers & men as what they really were "LADS", "Blokes" and "friends" -- which of course eventually brought in, very American "Buddies".. I know, I is the way of the world -- everything changes but do we really need to change taht much?? . Here i Germany the TV characters uses words we thought VULGA in England way back in them dark days. But no one does anything aboit it although little kids here are using words Like F.... and Sh.. and no one seems to be bothering. Seems as if the Barrack Room has become the world -- ot´r per´haps the barrack room was blamed wringly in the first place. I am all for starting a society which complains when vulgar words are used on TV,
Andy, I am not getting at you just the whole world attutude to the attitude rthat nothing matters any more.

. .
john eveleigh john eveleigh from Edinburgh wrote on 11 March 2022 at 10:14 am
Hello JB and Ray,
I spent some time in Nanyuki Kenya ,and during my visits used to hear about some leopard men who were somewhere on Mount Kenya. There was always talk about sending up an armed party to rout them out. Did either of you hear of them? I believe the Leopard Men were part of a Secret Society. I cant remember the name but there was a Hotel there, where if you played Darts you crossed the Equator every time you went to take your darts from the board.
John Eveleigh 42A A Coy
Andy Cobby Andy Cobby from Worthing wrote on 6 March 2022 at 8:38 pm
Hi Guys thanks for letting me visit last week and the chat I really enjoyed it and was really impressed with the Centre my only complaint was that it wasnt long enough so i will be sure to return and as promised will be filling in my BOBA application for and posting it off.
Once again guys thanks so much take care
Admin Reply by: Administrator
You are very welcome - we look forward to your return.
Ray Hackworth Ray Hackworth from River Club Johannesburg South Africa wrote on 6 March 2022 at 9:25 am
There are a great many people who do not take kindly to the UK. Having lived in Botswana/Zambia and South Africa during the Rhodesian bush war, and visiting family in Rhodesia during this period the atrocities that took place were unbelievable. There were thousands of atrocities. One of these took place near Bulawayo where Magabwe 5th brigade who were trained by North Korea dropped some 1600 plus of the opposition into a disused deep mine shaft, and then blew the shaft.
In other incident a group of terrorists who were based in Mozambique attacked the Elim mission station in the Vumba mountains and killed all the 16 white staff and their children.
The Rhodesian special forces (SAS (D Sqn) and the Selous Scouts) went after them and caught some. However a number of them were given sanctuary in the UK when they had fled Rhodesia to save their skins. Some still remain in the UK today. This is a major reason why people are not too happy with the UK and its politics.
john eveleigh john eveleigh from Edinburgh wrote on 23 February 2022 at 10:08 am
It was a forgotten conflict that cost the lives of over 700 troops and yet very little about it exists in the public mind .
I was to a certain amount involved with the two Sergeants. At the time, I was stationed in Camp 21 at the crossroads of the .Haifa -Tel Aviv road with the Natanya- Tulkarm road, and quite near Natanya. The two Sergeants were Intelligence Corp and each had a BSA 500 cc Motor Cycle, and as I was then in the Motor Cycle repair section they came to me for repairs. They had been given priority so if possible I rectified defects straight away.
I took part to a certain extent in the search for them. There were thousands of troops searching the area bounded by the Tel Aviv Road and the Natanya road ,we were there with our vehicles to take suspects to a place of detention for interrogation.
Of course nothing was found and they were eventually hanged on the other side of the Tel Aviv Road ,to that which we had been searching.
There was retaliation but I am not aware if any troops were charged for this .
I was interviewed many years later by an Author who was writing a book on
forgotten conflicts ,or at least the forgotten dead of those conflicts. So I have given a little support to those men by the inclusion of my Chapter.
John Eveleigh 42A A Company
Edwin John Bass Edwin John Bass from Cologne, Germany wrote on 19 February 2022 at 10:01 pm
Jambo Bwana (42a)John E......
Memories of Egypt - the stink and the filth -- and Palestine with its savagery of Paletsinian versus Palestinian each with a hate for us never fades. I wanted a bit of adventure before I settled down to studying hard and volunteered for Overseas not expecting Paestine.. The definition of the volunteer is: HE FORGOT TO ASK THE QUESTION... so it was I discovered the answer when sent up to Haifa holding a gun and having no ammunition. There were score of wild Scots of the KOSBI regiment who had the same mandare.... We were told it was the way the British army resrocked its armouries which had been emptied by our *friends´ ... It was heartening to know they were our friends who hung two sergeants one of whom was ex-Arborfield Boy..
I thought now, what shall I say if the train stops and several savage friends come shooting at us. OH! I say. Thats not cricket dear chappy! i am frightfully short of Ammo... HELP!!!!!
. Cheers! JB....
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