Please find a copy of the objectives and rules here (200 Kb)
Objectives of the Association
To encourage ‘esprit de corps’ by uniting all old boys of Beachley Camp and to maintain friendships by means of social gatherings.
1.The Association will be known as “Beachley Old Boys’ Association”.
2.The Headquarters will be at
AAC Heritage Centre,
Beachley Gate,
Beachley Road,
Glos. NP16 7YG
3.Membership in respect of service at the Army Apprentices College Chepstow or its predecessors will be of two classes only:
Full Member.
All ex-apprentices who have served at Beachley.
ii.Any serving or ex-serviceman/servicewoman having served for at least 12 months.
iii.Any civilian having served on the staff for at least 3 years.
b.Honorary Member – Members may bestow Honorary Membership on any person, at an AGM, for services rendered to the Association.
4.Executive Committee
a.The Executive Committee will be responsible for the general management of the Association
b.The Executive Committee will be Officers of the Association under the Chairman and consist of the following members:
Hon. Secretary
Hon. Membership Secretary
Hon. Treasurer
Up to 6 (six) Elected Members
Four members of this Committee will form a quorum.
c.The Chairman will be elected at an AGM for a period of three years, with the option of being extended for further three-year periods.
d.A Vice-Chairman will be elected from within the Executive Committee.
e.The Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer will be volunteers whose positions will be confirmed at the AGM.
5.Other Officials
a.The President of The Association will be elected at the AGM for a period of two years and may be extended by further two-year periods.
b.Past Presidents – All Presidents on standing down will be designated a Past President.
c.Honorary Vice Presidents – All past Commandants and Chairmen will be invited to become Honorary Vice Presidents.
d.Honorary Life Members – Members may bestow Honorary Life Membership on any member at an AGM, for services rendered. Such a member is exempt from payment of subscriptions.
a.A fee will be paid on joining which will constitute the first years membership.
The rate of subscriptions will be agreed by the AGM.
c.In the event of a member failing to pay their subscriptions for a period of two years, they will be automatically suspended from the Association and will only be reinstated on renewal of their subscription payments. Reminders will not be automatically sent to suspended members.
7.Funds and Accounts.
An account and records of the Association Fund will by kept the Treasurer.
Adequate indemnity is to be maintained for the Executive Committee.
c.The Executive Committee will submit to an AGM any proposals to make investments from the fund, likewise any proposal to withdraw such investments must be approved by the AGM.
8.Annual General Meeting. (AGM)
a.The AGM will be held at a time and place to be decided at the previous AGM. (Normally the Saturday of the third weekend in September)
b.An Emergency Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee or by 25% of the members
c.Notice of the AGM or Emergency Meeting will be widely published by means of the annual newsletter and/or the Press and appropriate corps and regimental journals.
9.Membership Cards, Badges and Ties.
a.This Rule Book will act as a membership card and be supplied to all members on joining or as and when significant changes to the rules are made.
b.Association badges and ties may be obtained from the BOBA Shop Manager on repayment.
a.The Executive Committee will be empowered to expel from the Association any member for proven misconduct.
a.A branch may be formed on the authority of the Executive Committee, which will consider any application supported by not less than six current members of the Association.
b.Branches may be wound up by resolution of a General Meeting of the Branch concerned, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
c.Branches are to be self supporting and may not hold functions that clash with Association meetings.
12.Rule Changes.
a.These rules may only be altered or amended with the approval of an AGM. Proposals for any such alterations will, in the first instance, be submitted to the Executive Committee.
Members are particularly requested to notify any change of address to the Membership Secretary at his home address or the Association’s permanent address given at Rule 2.
All general correspondence should be addressed to the Secretary at his home address or the Association’s permanent address given at Rule 2.
Rules for the Treasurer
1.There will be one main account, to be known as The Beachley Old Boys’ Fund. The accounting year will run from 1st January to 31st December annually.
2.This fund will be subdivided into five sub accounts, to be known as:
a.The General Purpose Fund.
The Benevolent Fund.
The Deposit Account.
Investment Fund.
Capital Property
3.At the discretion of the Treasurer other sub accounts may be created e.g. Golf, Reunion.
4.The fund will principally be maintained by member subscriptions, the amount of which is to be decided at the AGM.
5.All social events should aim to be self-supporting except where the membership authorises a subsidy from the fund.
6.Money will be credited to the Benevolent Fund as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the AGM. The fund should be maintained above Five Hundred Pounds.
7.The Treasurer is charged with the correct maintenance and accounting of the Fund. It should be prepared for an audit, annually, before the AGM. The fund shall be audited by a member or members of the Executive Committee or other suitably qualified persons, nominated by the Chairman.
8.Each cheque is to be signed before encashment by two of the three nominated signatories, who are normally the Treasurer, Chairman and either the Secretary or Membership Secretary.
9.The Treasurer will present a Financial Statement at each Executive Committee Meeting and at the AGM.
10.The Treasurer is empowered to hold a cash float of an amount to be determined by the Executive Committee, to enable him to carry out his day to day business.
Final Dispersion of the Fund. The final AGM shall approve the dispersion of the remaining funds. If extant, The Army Benevolent Fund (The Soldiers Charity) and SSAFA should be the main beneficiaries.
The Benevolent Fund
1.The Benevolent Fund was established for charitable purposes only and may be used for making grants but, under no circumstances loans.
2.Grants may be made to Members of the Association, their wives and dependants who may be in distress or want, providing the applicant has applied to the Social Services and/or charitable organisations such as SSAFA, ABF, regimental associations, etc.
3.All monies are to be accounted for by the Association Treasurer in the nominated sub-account of the, Association’s Main Fund.
4.The Trustees of the Benevolent Fund will be:
The Chairman of the Association.
The Treasurer of the Association.
The Secretary of the Association.
An Elected Member.
5.The administration of the Fund will be vested in the Executive Committee who should approve and forward applications for benevolence to the Trustees.
6.The Association Secretary will be the Secretary of the fund and will keep records of each case which will be available to all members of the Executive Committee.
7.Grants, of up to two hundred pounds may be made by the Chairman of the Executive Committee. Sums over this amount may only be made on the authority of the Trustees.
8.All grants made will be reported to the AGM