
2024 Reunion Bookings are available, see Reunion Booklet on BOBA/Membership.

It is advisable to arrange accommodation as soon as possible.

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157 entries.
George Allen George Allen from Portsmouth wrote on 22 March 2025 at 7:10 pm
Good evening,
After an absence of 40 years plus l have returned to Chepstow to see what remains of the two plus years at the AAC training as a “Grocer” that l can still find …….. September 23rd 1974 seems a lot less than 50 years ago . 74c was a big intake by any standards . Some incredible times , people and memories. Memories mean the most to the one that owns them . “Shared memories” are part of what makes life worth while . To all the fine gentleman that have the privilege to say they spent a very important and impressionable time of there life at Beachley. And especially to those who keep those memories alive. God bless you all ……….. even those from A & B companies…………
Derek Fox Derek Fox from Pentney Nr King's Lynn wrote on 18 March 2025 at 12:39 pm
It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death in Germany of John Bass 44A on 16th March. His passing was confirmed by his daughter. RiP John.
Peter Holden Peter Holden from Northampton wrote on 16 March 2025 at 6:44 pm
Having senior moments and stumbled across the site. I was in 61C A Company, Apprentice Draughtsman C S; Claim to fame was I was the second man to look after Beachley the school's pony mascot; Went on to serve as a Clerk of Works (Staff Sergeant) until taking the option to leave in November 1977;
Gary White Gary White from Coventry wrote on 27 February 2025 at 3:04 pm
Hi all, if I may I just wanted to give you all a gentle reminder about The Great Tommy sleepout organised by RLBI that, along with thousands of other veterans across the country I will be taking part in on the 8th March. If you click on ‘stop press’ on the main page of our AAC website you will see the link to the ‘just giving’ page. If you are able to donate any amount no matter how small it will all go towards the plight of so many veterans living on the street. Thankyou
Administrator Administrator wrote on 8 October 2024 at 8:18 pm
The South Wales Argus printed an article on 30/09/2024 about Beachley Boys and their history.
Google this web address:-
Administrator Administrator wrote on 25 September 2024 at 9:27 pm
The photographs taken by a professional photographer are now available for you to view.
Instructions on how to do this are available on our "Latest News" page
Administrator Administrator wrote on 21 September 2024 at 12:08 am
May we attract your attention to the letters received from Buckingham Palace that we have published in the "Stop Press" area of this webpage.
RE DONALDSON 70A/B RE DONALDSON 70A/B from Enniskillen BT945GQ. wrote on 12 September 2024 at 10:10 pm
The very sad news of the death of Col S THOMAS .Condolences to his family and BOBA former Apprentices.
Administrator Administrator wrote on 11 September 2024 at 11:07 pm
Funeral arrangements for Syd Thomas.
Date. Monday 23/09/2024
Time. 14.15
Loc. Coychurch Crematorium, near Bridgend. The family would like to have our Standard(s) present.
Afterwards. TBC.
A personal request from Syd. All are welcome, the more the merrier, his words not mine. No black ties, please wear Regimental, Corps, Association or Club ties. He also asked that ladies attending wear bright colours. No flowers, but donations to The REME Charity. Whilst these are his wishes they aren't restrictive.
Administrator Administrator wrote on 8 September 2024 at 5:37 pm
We are very sad to announce the death of Sydney Thomas 47A Group, BOBA President.

We do not have any funeral details but will inform the association members as soon as possible.
Alan Walters Alan Walters from Caerphilly wrote on 11 August 2024 at 10:21 pm
Anyone from 69A C Coy fitters wants to chat welcome to E-mail me, let us know if you are going to BOBA reunion this year we could share table
Chairman Chairman wrote on 6 August 2024 at 7:23 pm
Good evening all,
It is with sadness that I advise you of the passing of Alan Whitelock 46A.
Alan passed away peacefully at his home in Weymouth. He was always smiling and extremely polite.
He was proud to be a Beachley Boy and was looking forward to meeting everyone at the 2024 Reunion. He will be sadly missed.
Jamie Bryant Jamie Bryant from Dalkeith wrote on 28 June 2024 at 10:23 am
To the secretary. I am intending to go to Chepstow for the BOBA weekend this year. I had noted the date as 13, 14 and 15 September. However I know that the BOBA weekend is usually on the 21st September annually. I assume that this weekend of the 21st is busy. There is a note whish I cannot now find in this years information for the BOBA weekend is in fact on the 21st! Kindly confirm the 13th as the correct date.
Jamie Bryant Jamie Bryant from Dalkeith wrote on 28 June 2024 at 10:09 am
Hi to John Everleigh who stays in Edinburgh. John you served at Beachley in the forties
I served in the Fifties, 58B.My email is attached kindly give me a call. I am planning to vist Beachley this year for my final farewell to Beachley. I live in Dalkeith.
John Eveleigh John Eveleigh from Edinburgh wrote on 21 June 2024 at 2:57 pm
I recently had been having problems with my Television and despite the addition of an amplifier for £100 it still remained imperfect. A friend put me on to a help line called "Restore TV". They sent an engineer who spent an hour and a half finding the interference source and providing a more powerful Amplifier and a Filter. Result perfect TV.. There was no charge for this service. I am placing this on the guest book in case there may be some one else who needs assistance. The internet gives all contact info if you are interested.
John Eveleigh 42A
JOHN EVELEIGH JOHN EVELEIGH from EDINBURGH wrote on 20 May 2024 at 2:43 pm
I recently made contact with John Bass of 44 group. It is quite some time since the days when he and I corresponded regularly in the guest book. I hope that he will be making further entries in the future when he overcomes problems with his computer.
John 42 A
JOHN EVELEIGH JOHN EVELEIGH from EDINBURGH wrote on 19 May 2024 at 3:23 pm
Hello out there. It is a long time since I made an entry in the Book but just to let you know I have just made contact with john Bass of 44 Group. He doesn't sound any different from the last time we spoke and still has computer trouble, but hopes to get it fixed so that we can once again bore people with entries in the guest book.
Keep the flag flying
John Eveleigh
Andy Douglas Andy Douglas from ASHFORD KENT wrote on 17 May 2024 at 11:54 am
I was in group 65C as an IC&P Fitter. I served 25 years in the corps
and left in 1990
Geoff Winter Geoff Winter from Mansfield Notts wrote on 7 May 2024 at 10:07 pm
Hello to all you blokes out there, Tomorrow I sadly will be attending the funeral of Colin Bridgeman 66c A Coy, Colin had not been well for a couple of years, another old boy gone, go well my friends.
Derek Fox (Membership Secretary) Derek Fox (Membership Secretary) from Pentney Norfolk. wrote on 13 April 2024 at 3:03 pm
I have been trying in the last few months to contact personnel from the 74 Groups, we only have 12 registered as members. I have only managed to make contact with three by phone ( I do not have email details for any ) If any 74 Group members or wannabe members read this, perhaps they would contact me, time is getting short. Memsecboba.
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