Great Tommy Sleep Out
Gary White our acting Chairman will be, along with thousands of other veterans doing this sleep out on Saturday 8th March, anything you can donate will be massively appreciated and go to this brilliant national appealThis is the “Go Fund” address to support Gary in his endeavor
Due to the passing of our President Syd Thomas and other ongoing health problems the committee has had to reorganise some of the roles carried out within the committee. These changes will have to be ratified at the next AGM due in September 2025.
Major (ret) Brian Henderson Vice President has accepted the nomination as acting President until the AGM
Gary White has accepted the nomination of Vice Chairman and is acting as chairman until the AGM
Alan Chatt has accepted the nomination of Hon Secretary.
All other committee members remain in post
We ask that as per our rules and regulations all members contact the new Hon’ Secretary Alan Chatt regarding any BOBA business (details below), please do not contact Chris Ricketts any further except on matters of a personal nature.
Hon Secretary Alan Chatt
8 The Chase,
Tyne & Wear NE38 9DX
01914 175960 / 07462538613
At the Annual Reunion 2024 it being our Centenary
we employed a professional photographer.
A very nice young lady, Tyler O’Brien, performed this task and has now made her photographs available.
To see these follow this link:-
Then follow steps 1 – 5 shown below.
Step 1: Go to your Gallery and click on the photo you would like to order.
Step 2: Click on the Buy button on the top right of the page or on the bottom right of each photo when you hover over the smaller photo (look for the shopping cart icon)
Step 3: Choose the product, size(s) and quantities of your photo(s). You can add as many or as few as you’d like.
Step 4: When you have finished adding the images, you can either keep shopping for more, or view cart to head to check out
Step 5: Enter your Billing and Shipping information. Once completed, you will get an order confirmation!
Once you have done that Tyler will get a notification of your order and will get it sorted and posted to you.
Here is a photograph of the letters received by BOBA
from King Charles 111 and his Private Secretary.
Unfortunately these did not arrive with us until 18/09/2024 so we could not announce them during our Reunion Dinner.

It is with deep regret that we must inform you of the passing of David Duncan Lackie.
Funeral will take place at Warristion Crematorium Edinburgh (EH7 4HW) on Wednesday 19th February at 13:30. There will be a tea thereafter,will take place at Warristion Crematorium Edinburgh (EH7 4HW) on Wednesday 19th February at 13:30. There will be a tea thereafter
The Reunion Booklet for the 2025 reunion is now available.
It is located under ‘BOBA’ then ‘BOBA Membership’.
There is also a single page Application Form
Download it, fill it out and send it to the reunion organiser.
The Beachley Echoes for 2024 is now available
You will find it under BOBA, then Beachley Echoes. Click on 2024.
The dates for the 2025 Annual BOBA Reunion are confirmed as 19/20/21st September 2025
As accommodation is limited in the area due to rearranged weddings, birthdays and other such cancelled events and block bookings are difficult to confirm it is recommended that YOU book your stay as early as possible DIRECTLY with your chosen hotel etc.
Please remember that in order to attend the BOBA annual reunion you must be a paid up member (rule 6b).
Whilst we would encourage all to continue their membership year on year, this is not a requirement, you may if you wish to, pay only for the year you wish to attend a reunion.
The annual membership fee is £10, and should be paid directly to the Hon Membership Secretary Derek Fox preferably by bank transfer (Derek’s details can be found on the website).
The above ruling does not apply to wives or Honorary Life Members.
2025 Reunion bookings will be available as soon as possible.