74C 1976 74C 1976 74C/75A 1977 74C 1976 74C 1976 6 7 75A (and possibly 75B) 1977 9 10 11 12 58A at No 1 74C at No 1 75A Cove Bailey Bridge 77 Bee Hive Salisbury Plain Casual as ever Cove – Water Tower Cover early 1977 Cove 2 Dems Pit Salisbury Plain Dems Training Gethin at No 3 Hands on Heavy Ferry John Forrest, Gordon Taylor John Goodaal et al Merv Pickard and John Forrest No1 Training Regiment Non Equipment Bridging Jan_Apr 77 Steve Wright – Dems Trg Strip out The aftermath The Beast There it was gone Water Tower